Museum of Favela holds the Research Seminar - Slum is the Center

The Museum of Favela, an institution of the Secretariat of Culture, Economy and Creative Industries of the State of São Paulo managed by IDG, announces the I Research Seminar - Slum is the Center with the sponsorship of Itaú. The project, which will occur between September 21 and 23 of this year, has the purpose of contributing to spread information about Brazilian peripheries and slums.


Conceived to be an yearly event of the Museum of Favela it is organized by CRIA - Center of Reference, Research and Library, the first edition of the Research Seminar - Slum is the Center will bring discussion groups and workshops, gathering over 15 specialists of different Brazilian states.


The schedule will start in September 21 with the opening conference, Slum is the Center, held by Thuane Nascimento, also known as Thux, executive director of PerifaConnection. The conference causes and starts the reflection about the concept of slums, exploring their territorial relationship and right to the city, in addition to approach the connection between public safety and common use of those spaces. With focus on race dimension, it is sought to analyze slums as an instrument of social maintenance and perpetuation in Brazil. The event will take place at Estouro Auditorium at 07 PM and it will be broadcast live by the official channel of Museum of Favela on YouTube.


On Friday (22), from 10 AM to 05 PM, on the first floor of the Museum, it will be held the workshop “Discussing the concept of slums with IBGE [Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics]” with mediation of Cayo Franco, coordinator of Geography of Directorate of Geo-sciences of IBGE and Letícia Giannella, researcher in Geographic and Statistic Information of the Institute. The workshop has the purpose of discussing the review of writing the criteria and naming “subnormal agglomerate” used by the institute since 1991 to identify, classify and represent those territories in researches, such as the Census itself. The workshop will be an important movement of dialog with civil society, before, in a propositive way, the I National Meeting of Production, Analysis and Spread of Information about Slums and Urban Communities of Brazil, held by IBGE and that seeks to broaden the reflexion about the matter. The action has limited vacancies and it is necessary previous enrollment.


Still on Friday, from 07 PM to 09 PM at Estouro Auditorium, there will be the first discussion group with the title: “Obtaining Data: Research Methodologies in the Periphery”. The meeting will be mediated by Luzinete Borges, member of Peripheral Studies Center (CEP) of UNIFESP, and there will be the participation of Rachel Rua, manager of Data Favela and Thiago Teles Brandão Ferreira, technical coordinator of Census 2022 in the State of São Paulo. The group will discuss the different methodologies applied in their researches of national reach and it will also present data and statistics that challenge stigmas commonly associated with territories of slums and peripheries.


On Saturday (23), from 10 AM to 12:30 PM at CORRE Room, there will be the workshop of preparation of entries to the Dictionary of Slums Marielle Franco, with mediation of Thiago Ferreira and Caíque Azael, editors of the website that has over 1.700 entries related to references about slums and peripheries of Brazil prepared in a collaborative way. The workshop is part of the schedule of 17th Spring of Museums - Memories and Democracy: LGBT+, indigenous and quilombo dweller persons, an initiative by the Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram). The action is held on a yearly basis in the beginning of spring season, involving museums and cultural institutions all over Brazil as a way of creating spaces of reflection and dialog about relevant matters of the contemporary society.


Still on Saturday, from 12 PM to 05 PM, the book shop Suburbano Convicto, specialized in marginal literature, will have a stand for exhibition and commercialization of books and publications in the garden of Museum of Favela. As of 02 PM, at Estouro Auditorium, there will be the second group of discussion about the matter: “Peripheral cartographies: Until where my map goes?”, which will discuss the limits and challenges about mapping in peripheral zones and it will have the participation of lecturers Aluízio Marino (coordinator of LabCidade), Igor Pantoja, (coordinator of Institutional Relations at Sustainable Cities Institute), Jéssica Cerqueira, (representing the project Peripheral Policies Emergencies held by Update Institute) and mediation of Wellington Fernandes, of Quebradamaps collective.


To close the schedule, the third and last group of discussion of the event will have the title: “Peripheral memories: The different ways of remembering and forgetting” at Estouro Auditorium, from 04 PM to 06 PM. The meeting gathers the following lecturers: Claudia Ribeiro (coordinator of Museum of Maré), Sônia Fleury (coordinator of the Dictionary of Slums Marielle Franco) and Rafael Lucas Leonel (director of Memórias Quebradas [Broken Memories] podcast) and the mediation by Suzy Santos (coordinator of Community Museum Jd. Vermelhão). The presentation will bring discussions about ways of remembering and forgetting the slums and researches developed by their initiatives focused on preservation and construction of new narratives.


“The seminar starts with a guiding question, which is in the essence of development of the Museum of Favela, considered crucial to any discussion in this area: “What is a slum?". However, more than discussing sociological concepts, the seminar intends to discuss how to think public policies as of a term that is so complex to define. All invited researches and organizations have the purpose of impacting the reality of those territories. It is research works that not only seek to discuss theories, but also to obtain data to pragmatic and effective changes”, claims Renata Furtado, coordinator of CRIA, Center of Reference Research and Library of the Museum of Favela.







Thursday, 09/21/2023, from 07 PM to 09 PM 

Location: Estouro Auditorium

Limited vacancies (link of form) 

Vacancies: 50 

Enrollment as of 06 PM

Libras [Brazilian Sign Language] interpreter  

Broadcast live - channel of Museum of Favela on YouTube. 

Enrollment as of 06 PM

Address: Av. [Avenue] Rio Branco, 1269 - Campos Elíseos, São Paulo - SP, 01205-903